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Cancellation Policy

Cancellation By pet owners who booked a Gold or Silver Package

  1. Free Cancellation or Reschedule: You can cancel or reschedule your appointment at no charge if:

    1. The confirmation is pending for the groomer
    2. You cancel or reschedule before 6 pm the day before your appointment
    3. The confirmed groomer is no longer available.
  2. Cancellation and Rescheduling Fees: Applies depending on the notice you provide:

    1. 50% fee: If you cancel or reschedule after 6 pm the day before your appointment and the groomer is confirmed
    2. 75% fee: If you cancel when the groomer is on the way to your appointment
    3. No refund: If you cancel after the groomer arrives at your location

Cancellation By pet owners who booked an Eco Package

  1. Free Cancellation or Reschedule: You can cancel or reschedule your appointment at no charge if the confirmation is pending for the groomer or the confirmed groomer is no longer available.

  2. Cancellation and Rescheduling:

    1. ECO is a non-refundable package

Cancellation By Groomers for any package at any time before arrival

We understand that things come up! If your groomer cancels your appointment, you can reschedule for a different date at no additional cost or cancel entirely with a full refund.

Appointment Timing:

  • We strive to be on time! However, unexpected delays can happen. We'll notify you of any delays and offer you the option to reschedule at no charge.

  • We appreciate your flexibility! Please allow a 30-minute window around your appointment time.

Client Responsibilities:

  • Have your pet ready! Please be prepared to bring your pet out or let the groomer in within 10 minutes of arrival notification. If your appointment is in-home, have towels, a sink, and a vacuum available.

  • Communicate pet issues! If your pet has behavioral concerns, health issues, or matting, please disclose them beforehand.

Client Responsibilities:

  • Pet safety first! If the groomer determines your pet is not suitable for grooming due to aggression, anxiety, illness, etc., a full refund will not be issued due to travel time and lost appointment opportunities. We recommend discussing any concerns beforehand.

Incomplete Grooms:

  • We want your pet to look its best! If the groom cannot be completed due to unforeseen circumstances, we'll work with you to reschedule or offer a partial refund (depending on the situation).


  • We value your feedback! Please report any concerns within 48 hours of the appointment via our app. Under your appointment details, you can press on “Get Help” and create a ticket.

Cancellation By pet owners, Rebooked by groomers (Gold or Silver Package)

If you confirm the rebooked appointment by groomer, you will be charged 2 days before your service date.

  1. Free Cancellation: You can cancel your appointment at no charge if:

    • - You do not confirm the appointment.
    • - If you don’t change the date and time of the appointment.
    • - The confirmation is pending from the groomer.
    • - You confirmed or changed date and time of the appointment and you are canceling or rescheduling before 6 pm the day before your appointment.
    • - The confirmed groomer is no longer available.
    • - You cancel or reschedule before the groomer is on the way if an appointment is rebooked by the groomer within 48 hours before the service time.
  1. Cancellation and Rescheduling Fees: Applies if you confirmed or change the date and time of the appointment, depending on the notice you provide:

    1. 50% fee: If you cancel or reschedule after 6 pm the day before your appointment, the groomer is confirmed, and the appointment wasn’t rebooked by the groomer 48 hours before the service time.
    2. 75% fee: If you cancel when the groomer is on the way to your appointment
    3. No refund: If you cancel after the groomer arrives at your location

Cancellation By pet owners. Rebooked by groomers (Eco Package)

If you confirm the rebooked appointment, You will be charged 7 days before your service date.

  1. Free Cancellation: You can cancel or reschedule your appointment at no charge if:

    1. d.  You don’t confirm or change the date and time of the appointment
    2. e.   The confirmation is pending for the groomer
    3. f.   You cancel or reschedule 7 days before your appointment.
    4. g.   The confirmed groomer is no longer available.
  2. Cancellation and Rescheduling on appointments confirmed by you, After 7 days:

    1. ECO is a non-refundable package.